The "Delete ..." command allows to remove the infected files. When selecting it, you will see the dialog in which the user can select the ways of deleting files.
The "Delete file(s) using Recycle Bin" check box determines that the marked files will be deleted by being moved to the recycle bin. Thus it is possible to restore the files deleted at any time. If you use the operating system Windows NT version 3.51, then this radio button will be inaccessible for you and you will have to use the following procedure.
The "Delete file(s) permanently" check box enables the direct files deleting from the disk, without any possibility of restoring them.
By the check box " Delete file(s) after the next OS startup" you may determine that if it is not possible to manipulate the file at the moment (e.g. it is used by another application), it is possible to postpone its being deleted till the next start-up of the operating system.
After pressing the "Delete" button the file will be deleted in the selected way.
After pressing the "Delete All" button all the marked files will be deleted in the selected way.
The "Cancel" button will close the dialog.